Untitled #18, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #16, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #15, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #09, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #07, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #01, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled (Vyaramata Mandir-4, Ahmedabad, India, 2010, from the series ‘pikari’)
Untitled (Gulabaitera, Ahmedabad, India, 2010, from the series ‘pikari’)
Polar Express (Coney Island series), 2010
Nathan’s (Coney Island series), 2010
Luna Park (Coney Island series), 2010
The Factory
Untitled #18, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #16, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #15, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #09, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #07, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #01, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled (Vyaramata Mandir-4, Ahmedabad, India, 2010, from the series ‘pikari’)
Untitled (Gulabaitera, Ahmedabad, India, 2010, from the series ‘pikari’)
Polar Express (Coney Island series), 2010
Nathan’s (Coney Island series), 2010
Luna Park (Coney Island series), 2010
The Factory