Untitled #46, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #45, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #44, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #41, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #32, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #31, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #29, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #27, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #20b, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #19, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #18, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #16, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #15, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #09, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #07, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #01, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled (Sabarmati River-3, Ahmedabad, India, 2008)
Untitled #46, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #45, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #44, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #41, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #32, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #31, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #29, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #27, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #20b, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #19, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #18, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #16, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #15, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #09, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #07, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled #01, 2014, from the series Heterotopia
Untitled (Sabarmati River-3, Ahmedabad, India, 2008)