Loisaida: New York Street Work 1984-1990
In 1984, Tria Giovan moved to a tenement building on Clinton Street on New York City’s Lower East Side. Over the next six years she wandered the streets photographing as if in a foreign land. Loisaida, as some knew it, was as gritty, authentic and humble, as it was exotic, vibrant and colorful. The melding cultures and humanity she encountered inspired these photographs. Giovan left the neighborhood and the work behind in 1990 and the negatives languished until the pandemic. Resurrecting this series through editing, scanning, and sequencing for book form, the photographer gives a contemporary perspective to historical photographs. Part preservation, part humanistic engagement, this project contributes to an historical visual legacy of the ever-evolving, always evocative Lower East Side. Published by Damiani Book and including an essay from Sean Corcoran, senior
curator, prints and photography at the Museum of the City of New York. 96 page Hardback.
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